English Majors Abroad: Daniel Graham
The Words: Macalester's English Student NewsletterSenior Newsletter Editors:
Birdie Keller '25
Daniel Graham '26
Callisto Martinez '26
Jizelle Villegas '26
Associate Newsletter Editors:
Ahlaam Abdulwali '25
Beja Puškášová '26
Sarah Tachau '27
Peyton Williamson '27
by Ahlaam Abdulwali ‘25
This semester, you may have noticed a missing presence in the English department work room. Daniel Graham ‘26, an English major and beloved student worker, is currently studying abroad in Copenhagen. Daniel graciously took time out of his day to answer some of our questions below!
Where are you studying abroad? Why did you choose to study abroad there?
I’m studying abroad in Copenhagen, through a program called DIS. I chose DIS because it’s a smaller, self-contained program, which means I didn’t have to direct enroll in a big university and could instead attend a school a similar size to Macalester.
What classes are you taking during your study abroad?
Part of why I chose Copenhagen was also the availability of English classes. I’m taking two classes that count for English credit: one called Hans Christian Andersen: Stories of Desire and Discomfort and one called Podcast Production: The Impact of Sound. I also have two other literature-related classes, one about science fiction and the future and one about the concept of evil in culture. My fifth class (and my favorite, to be honest) is a class about film and art in Europe.
Have you had any experiences (internship, classes, or anything in general) that are English related?
My Hans Christian Andersen class has taken me on a journey through the legendary fairy tale writer’s work. I love that all I do for that class is read fairy tales and watch movie adaptations of them. I also get to learn about Romanticism and other movements that happened during Andersen’s time. We recently went to the Hans Christian Andersen museum in Odense, a town about an hour and a half from Copenhagen, and it was a lovely interactive experience.
My podcasting class is a creative writing class with Jon Kaldan, who is the godfather of Danish podcasts. He made the first podcasts in Denmark and has worked in Danish radio for years. It has been a treat to learn from him in his last semester with the program. His approach to podcasts is all about how to tell stories for the ear. He has helped me sharpen my ability to write through images and has taught me how to use sound to create an experience for my audience.
How did the classes you took in the English department influence your experience during your study abroad?
My English classes at Macalester gave me a strong background in the foundations of creative writing and older English literature which allowed me to take classes that diverge further from those roots and feel comfortable.
What is your favorite moment from your study abroad thus far?
Easily my favorite experience while abroad is the week my film and art class spent in Rome. For six days, we got to see the most incredible sights, from the Spanish Steps to the Vatican. I love my classmates and my professor for that course, and we all had a blast making memories together all week.
Thank you so much to Daniel for answering our questions! We look forward to seeing him back at Macalester next semester!