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The Words: September 2023

The Words

Letter from the Editors

by Zoë Scheuerman ’24 and Patrick Coy-Bjork ’24

Zoe and Patrick sitting and smiling

Hello Macalester English family, and welcome back to a fresh year of The Words. We’re Zoe Scheuerman ‘24 (she/her) and Patrick Coy-Bjork ‘24 (he/they), and we’re your 2023-2024 senior Words editors! The two of us have been Words editors together for the past few years, and we’ve been senior editors at separate times, so we’re thrilled to finally combine our powers and tackle this role together. Learn more about The Words this semester…

Introducing the Literary Salons

by Chloë Moore ’24

Welcome, welcome, to another sure-to-be great year in the English Department! We are so excited to welcome (back) everyone to Old Main 2. This year promises to be full of fun (see the rest of this issue for more details!), and in keeping with that promise, we at The Words are excited to introduce one of our newest department programs: Literary Salons! Find out about more about these exciting new events here…


Upcoming Events in the English Department

by Ahlaam Abdulwali

The English department has exciting events planned throughout the month of September to ring in the start of the academic year! For your convenience, we’ve listed all the important events happening this month. We would love to see you there (and expresses our gratitude through free food)! Find out what’s coming up here…

Lucky Flack Wanted

WANTED: Introducing the English Department Student Workers!

by Birdie Keller ’23

What’s this? Wanted ruffians on the loose? Keep an eye out for these elusive English department student workers — who knows when they might strike next…