The Words: May 2022
The Words: Macalester's English Student NewsletterSenior Newsletter Editors:
Birdie Keller '25
Daniel Graham '26
Callisto Martinez '26
Jizelle Villegas '26
Associate Newsletter Editors:
Ahlaam Abdulwali '25
Beja Puškášová '26
Sarah Tachau '27
Peyton Williamson '27

Alice’s Parting Words
Alice Asch ’22

In the beautiful letter of advice that Dalton Greene wrote for this issue, he mentioned playing the role of “Weepy Sentimental Senior” last December, before he left for Oxford (notably not in London, as I’ve totally known all along). The time has come for Kira Schukar and me to take on that role, so I’m afraid you’ll just have to bear with me as I get weepy and sentimental. Here we go. Read more from Alice’s letter here…
Kira’s Parting Words
Kira Schukar ’24
Every May, The Words’ Senior Editors share their parting words with the community. But if I’m being honest, even though I’ve known about this tradition for the last two years, I’ve been at a loss for words for the entire month of April when I was supposed to be writing to you. Read what Kira has to say here…

Dalton’s Final Reflection
Dalton Greene ’22

I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me, but surprise! I’m back for another round of waxing poetic about my time at Macalester, and since I already played the role of Weepy Sentimental Senior last semester, this time I’m here to be the Wise Advice-Giving Senior. I’ve learned a thing or two in my day about navigating college, and now, for the first time ever, I am going to impart some of this knowledge, distilled into the three most essential tips I can give. Read Dalton’s advice here…
Introducing Professor Coral Lumbley

Chloë Moore ’24
We are so excited to welcome Professor Coral Lumbley to the English Department! After a successful search over this pastschool year, Prof. Lumbley will be joining us as our new Medieval specialist. Read more about her research and upcoming classes here…
Writing in Paradise: Checking in with Anna Šverclová
Zoë Roos Scheuerman ’24

As the semester winds down and many students consider leaving campus for a homecoming, internships, or other travels, other students a re already enjoying travel because they’ve spent the semester abroad! This is true for Anna Šverclová, a junior creative writing major who’s studying abroad in the Galápagos and Ecuador. Read more about their experience here…
Wordplay: Alex Ang
Zoë Roos Scheuerman ’24
For the last Wordplay of the year, I reached out to Alex Ang ‘22. Alex is an Environmental Studies and Creative Writing double major from New York City. She mainly writes fiction and short stories, with a focus on narratives about identity and mental health awareness. After college, she plans to pursue a PhD in Phytoplankton Ecology, as well as continue her creative pursuits through content creation and creative writing. Alex sent me an excerpt from Drowning, her novel-in-progress. The novel follows a grad student who works as a lab tech, and this excerpt is formatted like a lab report! Read the excerpt here…