The Words, December 2019
The Words: Macalester's English Student NewsletterSenior Newsletter Editors:
Birdie Keller '25
Daniel Graham '26
Callisto Martinez '26
Jizelle Villegas '26
Associate Newsletter Editors:
Ahlaam Abdulwali '25
Beja Puškášová '26
Sarah Tachau '27
Peyton Williamson '27

Winter Whisper
Ash Ma ’21

December wind is lurking in the corner. The campus is covered by a thin layer of snow, soft and fragile. Hot chocolate runs out faster than usual, but the English department lounge never runs out of the warm small talk and light-hearted laughter. Books, a commonly brought up topic by our dear students and staff, are also immersed in the winter vibe. So here is a question for y’all: What is your favorite winter book? How do you define a winter book? If nothing comes up off the top of your head, check out others’ responses and get inspired!
Reflections on the Capstone Experience
Sophie Hilker ’20

When I first heard about capstones as a Prospective First-Year (or PF in Mac-ronym speak) visiting Macalester, I imagined my future self entrenched in summer research, sifting through newspaper articles, academic journals, and Pew Research survey findings. At the time, I fancied myself an incoming Political Science major, who would come up with a comprehensive policy proposal that would one day change the world. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that, in the midst of my senior year, I would be writing a novel. Read more about Hilker’s experience…
English Night at the Theater: The Rocky Horror Picture Show!
Malcolm Cooke ’21

Crunching on half-brownie half-vanilla madeleines and sipping on Perrier water, members of the English department sat in antici- … … … -pation of Macalester Theater Department’s latest: Rocky Horror.
The English Department sponsored the Friday night trip to see this perennial staging of Richard O’Brien’s cult classic musical (and more widely viewed film) on its penultimate showing in the newly constructed Theater and Dance Building. Hear more about the performance…
My Time as an Editor at The Mac Weekly
Amy Vandervelde ’21

Last year at the beginning of the Fall 2018 semester, I joined Macalester’s student-run newspaper The Mac Weekly (TMW) staff as a Copy Editor. My friend, Morgan Doherty ’21, a Web Editor for TMW at the time, thought that I’d have fun with the role given how much I proofread posters at the Kofi Annan Institute for Global Citizenship. And since I had wanted to join during my first year, but didn’t have the time, I decided to take Morgan’s advice.
It has honestly been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my time at Macalester. Read more about Vandervelde’s experience…
An Upcoming Visit from Ross Gay
Laura Berglund ’20

Poet, editor, and chapbook author Ross Gay will be visiting campus on February 5, 2020. Because this is our last issue of The Words before his visit, we’re looking a couple of months into the future to make sure you don’t miss out on this important event.
There will be two opportunities to get to know Gay and his work. He’s leading a student discussion on February 5 in the Old Main 4th Floor Lounge at 3:30 pm, and he will give a reading that night in the Weyerhaeuser Board Room at 5:30 pm. Learn more about Gay and his work..
Fantastic Fantasy: An Interview with Professor Emma Törzs ’09
Sophie Hilker

Every year, between the two weekends bracketing Halloween, writers, professors, artists, collectors, and readers gather for the World Fantasy Convention to celebrate creative works produced within the past year. Alongside reunion festivities, a select few attendees are nominated for and presented with awards honoring their work in categories such as Novel, Novella, Short Fiction, Anthology, Collection, and Artist. In the past, these prestigious awards have honored fiction produced by Ursula K. Le Guin, Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Roald Dahl, Louise Erdrich, George R.R. Martin, and Neil Gaiman. This year, Macalester alumna and English Professor Emma Törzs ’09 joined these ranks. Read more about Professor Törzs’ win…
Exciting English FYC’s – Introduction to Creative Writing
Harrison Runnels ’20

In the last leg of the fall semester, students and professors alike are finishing up their work, getting excited for the holidays, and dreaming of a mild winter. Looking back to earlier this year, The Words asked Macalester alum and English Professor Peter Bognanni ’01 about his First Year Course — Introduction to Creative Writing. Read more about our conversation with Professor Bognanni…
Wordplay: Capstone Edition!
Sophie Hilker ’20

With creative writing capstones underway, The Words decided there was no better way to cap off our Wordplay features for the Fall semester than to spotlight the tremendous work of students completing their Projects in Creative Writing. Without further ado, please enjoy the work of English major Alyssa Franzmeier ’20. Read more about Alyssa’s project…
Newsletter Staff
Senior Editors
Laura Berglund ’20
Sophie Hilker ’20
Associate Editors
Harrison Runnels ’20
Ash Ma ’21
Amy Vandervelde ’21
Contributing Editors
Dalton Greene ’22
Social Media Strategist
Malcolm Cooke ’21