The Words: March 2021
The Words: Macalester's English Student NewsletterSenior Newsletter Editors:
Birdie Keller '25
Daniel Graham '26
Callisto Martinez '26
Jizelle Villegas '26
Associate Newsletter Editors:
Ahlaam Abdulwali '25
Beja Puškášová '26
Sarah Tachau '27
Peyton Williamson '27

Chanter Magazine Adjusts to a Virtual Platform
Alice Asch ’22

Almost exactly a year ago, when Macalester made the switch to remote learning, Chanter Magazine was forced to move our meetings entirely online. As a board member, I—along with the rest of our staff—initially worried about our ability to keep Chanter afloat, but I’m delighted to say that we’ve continued to maintain a lovely community and release our semesterly issues. Every week, we gather on Zoom to review and vote on the writing and art submissions we receive, and although we can no longer sit together in the basement of Old Main on Thursday nights, we still have plenty of fun. Read more about Chanter here...
Uncommon Bodies: Now Accessible Via Zoom!
Malcolm Cooke ’21
“Orlando is absolutely a bro,”

Lindsey Row-Heyveld was answering questions following her talk “Careless Arden: Ablebodiedness in ‘As You Like It.’” Orlando’s ‘bro-ness’ was in reference to the role hyper-masculinity played in constructions of able-bodiedness in the Shakespeare play.
The presentation was part of a series of discussions organized by Uncommon Bodies, a research and reading group organized by Jennifer E. Row, assistant professor of French at the University of Minnesota, and Macalester English Department’s own Assistant Professor Penelope Geng. Read more about the Uncommon Bodies talks here.
Networking, But Make It Fun: Apps & Alums
Dalton Greene ’22

Lately, it’s been all too easy to get caught up in the stress of what life will look like post-graduation for many Macalester students. If you’ve found yourself worrying about your next move, fret not, because we have just the fix: Apps & Alums! Sponsored by the English Honor Society and open to all English majors and minors, the event is now in its seventh year and has become a staple of the department’s calendar.
Mark your calendars for March 26, 2021! The event will look a little different this year, but click here to read all about what you can expect.
Rambles About the Ramblings
Kira Schukar ’22
February 10, 2021—At five minutes to five o’clock, English Department student workers gathered in the virtual lounge, waiting for Coffee House to begin. Since going virtual, Coffee House has transformed from a weekly snack break into a number of student celebrations. Last semester, students had the chance to meet Professor Rachel Gold before her latest book launch. In early February, members of Mac Slams performed poetry for the English community. Read more about the launch of The Ramblings…