Parting Words
The Words: Macalester's English Student NewsletterSenior Newsletter Editors:
Birdie Keller '25
Daniel Graham '26
Callisto Martinez '26
Jizelle Villegas '26
Associate Newsletter Editors:
Ahlaam Abdulwali '25
Beja Puškášová '26
Sarah Tachau '27
Peyton Williamson '27
Zeena Fuleihan ’18

This last newsletter of the academic year is not alone in its bittersweet arrival—the end of my senior year at Macalester has been chock full of “lasts” these past few weeks. While I am excited for what the future after graduation may bring, I cannot help feeling reluctant to leave Macalester. As I look back on the past four years, I find myself increasingly grateful for the community and opportunities I found in the English Department.
I came to college knowing that I would declare an English Major in Creative Writing. While many of my peers switched their intended majors, there was not a single moment in my four years here that I doubted or wavered on my decision to be an English Major. Thanks to the incredibly rigorous, encouraging faculty who stimulate growth and debate in the students, the magical prowess of Jan Beebe in fostering a true community space, and the wide array of English-related opportunities in and related to the department, I leave the college feeling full, accomplished, grateful, and forever inspired to bring the Macalester English spirit with me as I head into the future.
My English classes at Macalester have been, without a doubt, the most fruitful, conscientious academic spaces of which I’ve been a part. Through their challenging reading lists, papers, creative assignments, and discussions, English faculty have always set the bar for their students highest of any of my classes. I believe this places confidence in the student to rise to their full potential, and I am beyond thankful for the intersectionality and analytical excellence that my professors pushed me to sharpen. Thanks to Postmodern African American Literature with Daylanne English, I published my first paper in an undergraduate and graduate student journal. After Crafts of Writing Poetry with Visiting Professor Ed Bok Lee, I published my first three poems in an international literary journal. And, thanks to Crafts of Writing Fiction with Professor Marlon James, I was the 2018 Honorable Mention in the Nick Adams Short Story Contest. While I am quite proud of these milestones, I think each day in the English classroom and community proves this department’s excellence even more.

When it comes to food, a central aspect of many communities, it is no secret that the English Department is unarguably the strongest on campus (Bagel Mondays, Treat Night Wednesdays, first thursdays with soup, baked goods on Fridays, countless meetings with meals, and snacks at capstone and Honors presentations, plus the marvelous feasts at our Fall Luncheon and End of Year Celebration—what could a college student without a meal plan appreciate more?). However, despite the magnificence of the English Department’s gastronomy, I believe it is the people, really, that distinguish this department as one that creates a home for all who grace its halls and related organizations. From The Words, Chanter Literary Magazine, and MacSlams to the English Honor Society, study sessions in the lounge, and special events, this is a space that transcends community into family. I am proud to have called the Macalester English Department my college home these past four years, and I will cherish the memories of these days for many years to come.
Though I am not entirely sure where I’ll end up next, I know that I am well prepared for whatever comes my way thanks to the true care and brilliance of this English Department. I have nothing but overflowing love for this special place, and I am certain I’ll keep it close in the coming years.