The Words: September 2020
The Words: Macalester's English Student NewsletterSenior Newsletter Editors:
Birdie Keller '25
Daniel Graham '26
Callisto Martinez '26
Jizelle Villegas '26
Associate Newsletter Editors:
Ahlaam Abdulwali '25
Beja Puškášová '26
Sarah Tachau '27
Peyton Williamson '27

Hey, what’s going on with The Words anyway?
Malcolm Cooke ’21
Oh hey, it’s you! Look, we’ve gotta be quiet about this, but I have a secret to tell you. Do you remember The Words? That’s right, the English Department’s monthly newsletter. Well, it’s back. I know, I know. Try to lower your voice and keep your excitement in check. You have to stay quiet because we’re sneaking out a special, secret September issue of The Words. It’s to let all of you know that we’re still out here, writing just for you. And maybe you’ll find a little bit of a sneak peek as to what’s going to happen in the English Department this semester. Read more words…

Three Time Zones, Six States, One English Honor Society
Kira Schukar ’22

This year’s first officers’ meeting of Macalester’s English Honors Society (EHS) looked distinctly different from last spring. Instead of walking up the tile staircase in Old Main and finding a seat in the English lounge, I sat on the worn red couch in my living room, opened my email on my phone, and clicked a Zoom link. The faces of this year’s returning officers—Eric Fong ’21, Nora Stewert ’21, and Amy Vandervelde ’21—popped up on my screen, and I heard the voices of the two other new officers—Dalton Greene ’22 and Shelby Kruger ’22—from their respective rectangles. Read more about EHS…
A Look At The Semester Ahead

Dalton Greene ’22
On behalf of the entire team here at The Words, I’d like to welcome all students, faculty, and staff to this new and unusual year! Although we
cannot be physically together at this point, we are so excited to explore creative ways of building community remotely. The English department has been working on a number of Zoom-friendly events—outlined below—to keep students connected to the department and one another. Read more about the future of The Words…
Hello From the English Department Student Workers
Teddy Holt ’22
Welcome back to the English Department this fall, and welcome back to The Words! It’s a crazy time to exist in the world, so readers are (unfortunately) less likely to find Words editors sipping tea and eating bagels in the comfort of the English lounge, and even the office assistants will be fewer and farther between in the physical office space. As such, we thought we’d introduce everyone on staff in the English Department this semester—we would hate for you to miss out on any of our beautiful faces. Read our bios…
Reader Suggestions: We Want To Hear From You!

Alice Asch ’22
We’d love to get your input on how the English department can keep students connected this fall. Click on this survey link to share your ideas!