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African American Theatre

THDA 263, African American Theatre; This course is an overview of the development of theater by and about Black Americans. It examines the historical, social, political, and cultural context of African American Theatre. After investigating the roots of African American Theatre in African culture, performance modes, and social values, it focuses on a study of plays written by Black Americans in the 19th and 20th centuries. This course is cross-listed with AMST 263.

Course Objectives

In this course, students will:

  1. Understand that the history of African American Theatre is a foundation for seeing the varied and complex culture of America;
  2. Expand breadth of knowledge through stories and voices;
  3. Learn and share a particular historical reality.


The course is divided into two sections, relative to the two required texts. Students will be required and should be prepared to intelligently and cogently discuss all required readings in addition to participating in the reading of selected scenes from the assigned materials. Experience in performance is not a requirement, however a willingness to enthusiastically participate is.


  • Essays; 35%
    • 4 essays; 1 and 2 (10%), 3 (10%), 4 (15%)
  • Presentations; 25%
    • 2 major presentations – with groups using all members’ voices and input
  • Participation; 40%