Harrison David Rivers

Visiting Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Website: http://www.harrisondavidrivers.com/
Harrison David Rivers is a St. Paul based playwright. His plays include THE BANDAGED PLACE (Relentless Award), WHEN LAST WE FLEW (GLAAD Award), SWEET (AUDELCO nom), WHERE STORMS ARE BORN (Berkshire Theatre Award nom), THIS BITTER EARTH (Jeff nom, MN Theatre Award) and the musicals FIVE POINTS with Douglas Lyons and Ethan Pakchar (MN Theatre Award) and BROADBEND, ARKANSAS with Ellen Fitzhugh and Ted Shen (Antonyo and AUDELO noms). Harrison was named a Runner-up for the 2018 Artist of the Year by the Star Tribune and a 2017 Artist of the Year by City Pages. He is the recipient of McKnight, Jerome and Van Lier Fellowships, and residencies with the Bogliasco Foundation, Siena Art Institute, the Hermitage, Duke University, NYTW, New York Stage & Film and the Williamstown Theater Festival. Harrison is a member of the Board of Directors of the Playwright Center and The Movement Theatre Company.