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Charley’s Parting Words

by Charley Eatchel ’23

The English department’s office manager and Words contributor, Charley Eatchel ’23, graduates in December – oh no, that means imminently! In preparation for their goodbye, Charley was kind enough to hash out some parting words… pun maybe intended. 

Dear Words Readers,

I have been doing what I can to avoid writing this letter because it’s still slightly unbelievable that I have to say goodbye to the department (I wrote this sentence then proceeded to ignore this document for days…sorry to Zoë and Patrick, I did eventually get it done :’)). Starting at Mac in Fall of 2020 was an odd and complicated time. I was lucky to make some good friends on Dupre 5 amidst Zoom classes and gathering restrictions, but started college off, frankly, pretty isolating. Because of that experience, I became even more attached to the English Department.

Charley (center row, second from right) and the other department student workers, fall 2021
Charley (center row, second from right) and the other department student workers, fall 2021

I started working for the department in my sophomore year, and Mac immediately felt more like a home. I had suspected that I would probably be an English major, but the community in the department really secured that for me. From the enthusiastic welcome from our department coordinator, Jan Beebe, to our brilliant and kind professors to all my fellow students (workers/majors/minors/etc) past and present, the English department has become my support system at Macalester. I’ve enjoyed every step of my time with the department: as an office assistant, a social media manager, and the office manager/student trainer role I’ve been able to finish off with. I’ve been able to be a part of just about everything in the department: keeping the lounge warm and welcoming, delicious Bagel Mondays, starting the English department TikTok account with Birdie (<3), helping with events, and working with the ever-moody Sir Reginald Prints-A-Lot. I feel so incredibly connected to all of Old Main 2 and its occupants, and I hope I have contributed to the department even a fraction of the happiness it has brought me.

The English department sweatshirt reveal, fall 2022
The English department sweatshirt reveal, fall 2022

English has brought me to so many wonderful things. I have been so lucky to work with Chanter Magazine and the English Honors Society, as well as getting to connect with other English-y clubs through department events. Getting clubs back together post-quarantine and with leadership transitions was tough at times, but the work that has come out of that struggle has been truly beautiful. I’m so happy with all the magazines Chanter put out while I was here, and I’m so excited to see what a new, reinvigorated EHS will do in the future 🙂 I’m so confident in the juniors/sophomores/freshmen that will keep these amazing groups going, and I’m excited to keep up with what the English department and the student orgs do in the future!

I’m so grateful for all of the wonderful people in the department. To my fellow student worker seniors Asa, Chloë, Patrick, and Zoë, I have loved growing in the department with you all, becoming friends and club leaders and roommates! My sincerest thanks to Professors Elkins and Geng for great, interesting last classes. Of course, to Professor Michael Prior, both a brilliant professor and incredibly supportive advisor who has fundamentally shaped my journey as a writer. Thank you to Jan Beebe, one of my biggest champions at Mac who will forever be the best boss of all time <3 And to all my other amazing professors, student workers, and friends in the department. I couldn’t be more happy with the community you all have created for me here. I hope you’ll miss me making coffee on Bagel Mondays, nervously fluttering about in Coffee Houses, and spending hours on the bench at the end of the hall in OM 2. I know I’ll miss the bustling department events, chatting with professors and students in the lounge or the office, welcoming our newest professor, and taking all of our incredible creative and literature classes.

Charley with dear friend and fellow student worker Chloë Moore '24
Charley with dear friend and fellow student worker Chloë Moore ’24

I wish I had some sage advice for getting through college and the world that comes after, but I am honestly as clueless as anyone. That being said, Mac is a beautiful place to find community, and the English department especially is a place with so many kind, wonderful people. Talk to your professors, engage with your peers, and do the things you love with your whole heart—it’s the best way to find people who will have passion and enthusiasm for what you create.

Goodbye, for now, Words readers. This is not goodbye forever. I’ll be back for May commencement, and I’m still living in the cities through the spring semester. Hopefully, I’ll see you all at alumni events or just around the Mac Groveland area. To all who took the time to read this ramble from a terrified almost-graduate, thank you. Mac has been incredibly special for me, and I can only hope the same for all those who look back on this piece. English Department, I’ll miss you. Remember me fondly 🙂

With so much love,


Take care, Charley! You’ll always have friends in the department.