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Social Media Hype

Patrick and Chloe sitting in Old Main 4

By Chloë Moore ‘24 and Patrick Coy-Bjork ‘23

Hello, Words readers! We’re Chloë and Patrick, your social media people for the year. We run the department Instagram (@macalesterenglish) and Facebook (Macalester English Department). We just thought we’d introduce ourselves and tell you a little bit about how you can interact with us online ?

I’m Chloë Moore (she/they), and I’m a sophomore English major. You can usually find me around Old Main throughout the week, reading (currently: Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood), studying (trying to pass Spanish!), or just hanging out (drinking too much espresso from the Lounge). I’ve been working in the English department since last year, focusing on our social media presence. My experience with social media stuff comes largely from digital organizing for political campaigns over the last few years, although now I’m mainly focused on classes, writing, and getting outside. Please come say hi if you want to talk about featuring your work/events/fun department-related photos on our social media, the books you’re reading, and especially any cute dogs you see on campus!

My name’s Patrick Coy-Bjork (he/they), and I’m a junior here at Mac! I’m a Psych and Theater major, and a lover of all things English. I started working in the English department my first year as an office assistant and quickly joined the social media team. I’ve always had an interest in photography, and it’s been great getting to tap into that for this job (you can see some of my fancy photography on our Insta and Facebook!). My favorite part of being a social media strategist is getting to meet and talk with new people around the department, and share in the love of literature. Outside of the department, I like listening to podcasts/music while taking walks, hanging out with friends, and obsessing over the show Survivor (so excited for the new season!!). I like hanging around Old Main to study, so if you see me, feel free to say hello!

This semester, we’re starting a new Instagram series “Humans of Old Main,” inspired by Brandon Stanton’s “Humans of New York.” Every day, we’ll show off a picture of someone around the building, giving a sense of the day-to-day happenings around Old Main! We’ll also be featuring interactive polls every week on our Instagram, such as “What do you prefer: poetry or prose?” Be sure to check them out! As always, don’t hesitate to send anything our way to be featured on social media. You can contact us at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]. See you around!