Class Schedules
Urban Studies651-696-6505
651-696-6116 (fax)
Fall 2024
Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information
Num. / Sec. / CRN | Name | Days | Time | Room | Instructor | |
AMST 203-01 10645 | Politics and Inequality: The American Welfare State | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: LIBR 250 | Instructor: Lesley Lavery | |
*Cross-listed with POLI 203-01 (10644)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
ENVI 203-01 10352 | Introduction to Urban Ecology | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: CARN 107 | Instructor: I-Chun Catherine Chang | |
*First day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOG 203-01 (10351)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
GEOG 203-01 10351 | Introduction to Urban Ecology | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: CARN 107 | Instructor: I-Chun Catherine Chang | |
*First day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 203-01 (10352)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
POLI 203-01 10644 | Politics and Inequality: The American Welfare State | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: LIBR 250 | Instructor: Lesley Lavery | |
*Cross-listed with AMST 203-01 (10645)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
AMST 203-F1 10647 | Politics and Inequality: The American Welfare State | Days: M W F | Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am | Room: LIBR 250 | Instructor: Lesley Lavery | |
*First-Year Course Only; cross-listed with POLI 203-F1 (10646)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
POLI 203-F1 10646 | Politics and Inequality: The American Welfare State | Days: M W F | Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am | Room: LIBR 250 | Instructor: Lesley Lavery | |
*First-Year Course Only; cross-listed with AMST 203-F1 (10647)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
ANTH 230-01 10080 | Ethnographic Interviewing | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: CARN 05 | Instructor: Arjun Guneratne | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
GEOG 241-01 10358 | Urban Geography | Days: M W F | Time: 03:30 pm-04:30 pm | Room: CARN 06A | Instructor: Daniel Trudeau | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
SOCI 258-F1 10734 | Immigrant Voices in Times of Fear | Days: T R | Time: 08:00 am-09:30 am | Room: CARN 204 | Instructor: Erika Busse-Cárdenas | |
*First-Year Course Only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with LATI 258-F1 (10735)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
GEOG 261-F1 10365 | World Urbanization | Days: M W F | Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am | Room: CARN 105 | Instructor: I-Chun Catherine Chang | |
*First-Year Course Only*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
ENVI 270-01 10308 | Psychology of Sustainable Behavior | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: OLRI 243 | Instructor: Christie Manning | |
*First day attendance required; cross-listed with PSYC 270-01 (10309)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
PSYC 270-01 10309 | Psychology of Sustainable Behavior | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: OLRI 243 | Instructor: Christie Manning | |
*First day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 270-01 (10308)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
GEOG 277-01 10366 | Qualitative Research Methods in Geography | Days: T R | Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm | Room: CARN 105 | Instructor: Daniel Trudeau | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
GEOG 365-01 10370 | Urban GIS | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: CARN 109 | Instructor: Laura Smith | |
*Permission of instructor required; students must complete the corresponding Permissions and Waitlists form to be permitted to enroll, see the department website to access the form.*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
EDUC 390-01 10265 | Teaching and Learning in Urban Schools | Days: M | Time: 07:00 pm-10:00 pm | Room: THEATR 202 | Instructor: Brian Lozenski | |
*Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
INTD 401-01 10446 | Urban Studies Colloquium | Days: M | Time: 07:00 pm-08:30 pm | Room: CARN 105 | Instructor: Laura Smith | |
*2 Credits*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
GEOG 476-01 10372 | Transportation Geography Sem | Days: W | Time: 07:00 pm-10:00 pm | Room: CARN 105 | Instructor: Laura Smith | |
*Permission of instructor required*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
Spring 2025
Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information
Num. / Sec. / CRN | Name | Days | Time | Room | Instructor | |
HIST 219-01 30338 | In Motion: African Americans in the United States | Days: T R | Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm | Room: ART 301 | Instructor: Walter Greason | |
*Cross-listed with AMST 219-01 (30339) and ART 294-07 (30897)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
SOCI 220-01 30639 | Sociology of Race/Ethnicity | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: CARN 204 | Instructor: Erika Busse-Cárdenas | |
*Cross-listed with LATI 294-01 (30640)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
ANTH 230-01 30018 | Ethnographic Interviewing | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: CARN 05 | Instructor: Arjun Guneratne | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
EDUC 260-01 30195 | Critical Issues in Urban Education | Days: M | Time: 07:00 pm-10:00 pm | Room: THEATR 200 | Instructor: Brian Lozenski | |
*First day attendance required*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
GEOG 262-01 30291 | Metro Analysis | Days: M W F | Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm | Room: CARN 107 | Instructor: Laura Smith | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
HIST 284-01 30352 | Imaging the Modern City | Days: M W F | Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm | Room: THEATR 202 | Instructor: Ernesto Capello | |
*Cross-listed with INTL 284-01 (30353)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
LATI 294-01 30640 | Sociology of Race/Ethnicity | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: CARN 204 | Instructor: Erika Busse-Cárdenas | |
*Cross-listed with SOCI 220-01 (30639)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
EDUC 315-01 30960 | Advanced Topics in Policy: US Education Politics and Policy | Days: T R | Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm | Room: CARN 204 | Instructor: Lesley Lavery | |
*Cross-listed with POLI 315-01 (30752)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
POLI 315-01 30752 | Advanced Topics in Policy: US Education Politics and Policy | Days: T R | Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm | Room: CARN 204 | Instructor: Lesley Lavery | |
*Cross-listed with EDUC 315-01 (30960)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
ASIA 320-01 30294 | Asian Cities | Days: W | Time: 07:00 pm-10:00 pm | Room: CARN 105 | Instructor: I-Chun Catherine Chang | |
*Cross-listed with GEOG 320-01 (30293)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
GEOG 320-01 30293 | Asian Cities | Days: W | Time: 07:00 pm-10:00 pm | Room: CARN 105 | Instructor: I-Chun Catherine Chang | |
*Cross-listed with AISA 320-01 (30294)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
Courses at ACTC Institutions
Students may use courses taken at other ACTC institutions towards an urban studies concentration at Macalester. The following is a list of courses that may qualify. Students must seek approval from the concentration director to determine how a course will satisfy the concentration’s requirements.
Augsburg College
- Art 249/349 HIS 249/349 The Designed Environment
- Economics 110 Economics of Urban Issues
- History 225 History of the Twin Cities
- History 316 U.S. Urban Environmental History
- History 335 American Urban History
- Political Science 122 Metropolitan Complex
- Political Science 140 Social Justice in America
- Sociology 111 Community and the Modern Metropolis
- Sociology 381 The City and Metro-Urban Plannin
College of St. Catherine
- Political Science 2020 State, local and urban government
- Sociology 3860 Urban Social Problem
Hamline University
- Political Science 3690: Politics of Urban and Metropolitan America
- Political Science 3700: Public Administration and Public Policy
- Sociology 3440: Urban Sociology
University of St. Thomas
- Geography 430: Urban Geography
- Economics 333: Regional and Urban Economics
- History 377: History of the Twin Cities
- Political Science: Urban and Metropolis Politics and Government
- Sociology: Urban Sociology